We've been protecting inboxes against malicious emails for 18 years.

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Which companies made the top 18 data breaches of all time? 

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* Required form field. By submitting this form, you consent to be contacted by MailGuard. We're committed to protecting your privacy. We'll never share your details and you can unsubscribe from our communications at any time. Learn more

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As part of our 18th birthday, we've gone through the archives to bring you the top '18 Cyber-Attacks That Shook The Web'.

Celebrating 18 years

MailGuard works to detect and block advanced zero-day threats in real time. MailGuard has been at the forefront of cloud-based email security, protecting leading businesses against cyber-attacks.

Our solutions have evolved with the internet, email and social media - and we've seen hackers and scams get more sophisticated along the way. 

Today, cyber-attacks are a top concern for both enterprises and consumers, impacting hundreds of thousands – often millions – all from a single attack on one company.